
Showing posts from September, 2017

Quantum Cake!!!

In honor of my brothers birthday party I made a Nuka Cola Quantum Cake from Fallout 4!! Let's do a Poll!! I want to know your favorite fall out game! It will be up soon but will only last a couple of days, you can participate via the side bar at the top of the home page! 

And Were Back!!

  As you can see a lot has changed! I've decided to get back to blogging but also knew that JosiePwns needed an update. You can now subscribe easier via email, search the page, visit some links I've set up in the sidebar that I find interesting and REACT!! I am super excited about this feature as it will allow me see what you guuys think about my posts individually instead of my blog all together. I will also be putting polls up all the time so make sure to get on that!! It feels great to be back and refreshed and I can't wait to share my views, ideas and all around CRAZY life with you!  Peace out -   Josie